Are you looking for a Havanese breeder in British Columbia Canada (BC)?
Gateway Havanese is located in Canada and we have set out on a mission to collect the most current and the best information on Havanese breeders.
Are you looking for Havanese puppies in British Columbia (BC), Vancouver, Victoria or maybe Nanaimo?
People do a lot of research when it comes to breeders and puppies when they are looking for a new pet. We wanted to provide you with as much of that information as we can.
If you are getting a new Havanese you are also going to need some additional information regarding grooming and training.
We have resources on this site plus we commend this Havanese training, which is an online course…its brilliant.
Also there is this specific E-Book on House Training a Havanese Puppy.
Havanese Puppies for Sale in British Columbia (BC)
At Gateway Havanese we are always trying to give you the best information.
We love the Havanese breed. Meet our little bundle of joy – Nessie

We write articles and how-to guides for Havanese dogs and provide breed information. We know however that sometimes you are actually looking for a Havanese Puppy and need some help to get one.
We understand, and want to help. If you live in the region check out our list of Havanese breeders below.
The Associations List – Havanese Associations and Clubs in BC
Local clubs and associations are a critical part of the breeding and pet industry. It is important to get connected with these local clubs to make sure you have the most up to date information about quality breeders in your area.
Just remember to do ALL of your homework. The system can be gamed, and just because someone is a part of a local club or association doesn’t mean that they are a quality breeder. You also need to remember that just because someone isn’t a part of a club doesn’t mean that they are a bad breeder either.
The Canadian Kennel Club – CKC
The Canadian Kennel Club is the official governing body in Canada when it comes to dogs, including Havanese. At the CKC you will find information about registered breeds, breeders, dogs shows, standards and laws.
Website (Havanese Section) –
The Cascade Havanese Club
The Cascade Havanese club serves the upper west part of the USA and BC in Canada.

The Havanese Fanciers of Canada Inc
The Havanese Fanciers of Canada are a national breed Club for the Havanese in Canada, they are the recognized national breed club by the CKC. They aspire to high levels of integrity and honour in all personal and public relationships so we may inspire confidence in our organization and merit the respect of the public we serve. They are committed to the responsible promotion and protection of the Havanese breed in Canada.
President – Lauren Goebel
Website –
Email –
Location – Kamloops BC.
The Rescues List – Havanese Rescues in BC
Havanese Fanciers of Canada Rescue
The main Havanese rescue in Alberta is the Havanese Rescue (Canada) also known as the Havanese Fanciers of Canada Rescue. The Havanese Rescue is a not-for-profit owned by the Havanese Fanciers of Canada Inc.
Location – Canada
Websites – –
Email –
Havanese Rescue Me
Website –
The Breeders List – Havanese Breeders BC
Havadahl Kennel
Owner – Deborah Dahl
Location – Victoria, BC
Email –
Phone – 250.360.6324
Facebook –
Website –
Mylad Havanese
Owner – Lauren Goebel
Location – Kamloops, BC
Email –
Phone – 250 577 3331
Facebook –
Website –
Misty Trails Havanese
Owner – Bev Dorma
Location – Shawnigan Lake (Victoria), BC
Email – Go to their website and fill out the contact form
Phone – (250) 743-5370
Website –
Seantiago Havanese
Owner – Gail Dame
Location – Crofton, BC
Email –
Phone – 250 984-1310
Facebook –
Website –
Salida Del Sol Havanese
Owner – Alida Wasmuth
Location – Langley, BC
Email –
Phone – 604-534-0713
Website –
Advertising – If you are a breeder in the Ontario area and would like to be added to our list please contact us and let us know. If you would like to advertise as a breeder on our page we also have packages available for direct links, banners and other advertising.
Havanese Breeders Vancouver Island
Seantiago Havanese
Owner – Gail Dame
Location – Crofton, BC
Email –
Phone – 250 984-1310
Facebook –
Website –
Misty Trails Havanese
Owner – Bev Dorma
Location – Shawnigan Lake (Victoria), BC
Email – Go to their website and fill out the contact form
Phone – (250) 743-5370
Website –
Havadahl Kennel
Owner – Deborah Dahl
Location – Victoria, BC
Email –
Phone – 250.360.6324
Facebook –
Website –
Havanese in BC FAQ
What is the average cost of a Havanese dog?
The average price of a Havanese dog is in the 1500 – 2000 dollar range. We have seen this number go up from the 1000-1500 dollar range in recent times. A quality reputable breeder will likely not be under $1500 in Canada.
Can Havanese be left alone for 6 hours?
Yes, Havanese can be left alone for under 6 hours. In fact, most Havanese will be ok alone in the 6-9 hour range. Some dogs chew, some dogs have small bladders, and some dogs get into mischief. You need to know if your dog has any of these tendencies. Typically Havanese are not known for these things, but each dog is a bit different.
We leave our Havanese alone for 8+ hours and she is great.
Are Havanese yappy?
We have a whole article about Havanese and barking – HERE
Do Havanese dogs bark a lot?
No Havanese don’t bark a lot – but some dogs are more anxious than others. Our dog definitely barks when people come to the house, or if she sees something that scares her. However, it’s not something that is unchangeable.