What Do Havanese Usually Die From?

What Do Havanese Usually Die From? The Havanese dog is a breed that has risen in popularity in recent years. …

What Do Havanese Usually Die From?

The Havanese dog is a breed that has risen in popularity in recent years. They are currently the 24th most popular dog breed in America.

When you are considering a certain pet to add to your family unit, you will want to be aware of any potential health issues that can arise in the breed, as you may have to deal with this later on as your pet ages.

Read on to learn more about some of the causes of death for the Havanese breed, as well as some of the common health concerns for this breed of dog, too. 

Causes of Death for Havanese Dogs

Some of the common causes of early death for dogs, including the Havanese breed, include accidents. This could be an accident where your Havanese is attacked by wild animals outside, such as coyotes.

If you live near a major roadway, another common cause of death could be getting hit by a car, for instance. The Havanese dog is a fairly healthy breed, luckily, though it does have some health issues that can lead to death, too.

These include a propensity for obesity and liver shunts.

Top Health Concerns for Havanese Dogs

Below, we will go over some of the common health conditions that can be found in the Havanese breed. 

Legg- Calve- Perthes Disease

Legg- Calve- Perthes Disease is something that is common in small dogs like the Havanese. Luckily, it is not deadly, though it can be very uncomfortable for your dog.

The head of the dog’s femur deteriorates if it suffers from this disease–this part of the bone serves as the joint forming the hip of your pet. Some of the telltale signs of Legg- Calve- Perthes Disease are pain, a limp, lethargy, or lameness in the leg that is affected.

Mild cases may simply be prescribed pain medication, but if your pet is suffering from a severe case of this disease, surgery will be necessary to correct the issue. 

Liver Shunt

Liver shunts are when a dog’s liver is not able to receive blood flow, and can be blamed on growth. Some of the things that can then be caused by liver shunts are lethargy, changes in appetite, and strange and unusual behavior in your dog.

Typically, the symptoms of liver shunts can be treated–your vet may prescribe antibiotics or a speciality diet, for example. Without surgery, a dog can die from liver shunts, so it is important to be wary of this condition and keep it monitored if it is something your pup suffers from. 

Patellar Luxation

If your dog is suffering from patellar luxation, this is when the kneecap, or patella, moves out of its socket. It is not deadly, though it is a common and very uncomfortable issue seen in the Havanese breed.

Unfortunately, they are genetically predisposed to patellar luxation. One of the signs of this is if your dog is having trouble trying to put their weight on one of their legs. Your vet will be able to diagnose the severity of the condition and may recommend surgery to fix the issue. 

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is similar to patellar luxation–it is when the ball and socket joint of the hip do not line up. It is another health concern that crops up frequently for smaller dog breeds.

Also Read – Best Joint Supplement for Hip Dysplasia

If your dog is struggling to put its weight on one of its back legs–or both of them!–this can be a sign of hip dysplasia. While the condition is not deadly, it can worsen as your dog ages and make things very uncomfortable for them as they go about their daily lives. It can also be corrected through surgery if needed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common health problems in Havanese?

Like any dog, there are certain health issues that will arise with the Havanese breed. It is important to be aware of these so that you know what to expect, especially as your pet ages. Some common health issues for a Havanese are eye issues such as cataracts and hip dysplasia and patellar luxation. 

How long is a Havanese supposed to live?

The Havanese is a toy breed, and smaller dogs typically have larger lifespans than larger breeds of dogs. The Havanese is one such small dog, and if you take good care of your Havanese, it will be blessed with a long and happy life. The average lifespan for this breed is between 14 to 16 years old.

Of course, this is an average, so a Havanese can live even longer than this, too! If your Havanese has health issues or gets into an accident, it may also not live as long as these projections.

What age do Havanese dogs die?

Havanese dogs can die at any point, especially if they get into an accident or end up dealing with severe health issues or conditions. That being said, this is not the norm!

A healthy Havanese should live a long and full life if it is taken care of properly and is getting the exercise, mental stimulation, and diet that it needs.

The average lifespan of a Havanese is estimated to be anywhere from between 14 to 16 years of age. Many Havanese end up living longer, too, as this is just an estimate!

At what age is a Havanese considered a senior?

When your Havanese is a senior dog, it is even more prone to health issues and will need extra care and attention–a dog that is considered to be a senior will even need different food, oftentimes! So, it is important to be aware of when your Havanese is considered to be a senior dog.

Dogs are usually considered to be senior dogs when they reach 7 years of age. Therefore, a Havanese is considered to be a senior dog around this time, too. Since the Havanese does have a longer lifespan, though, it is also sometimes said that they are not senior dogs until they are a bit older–closer to 10 years old. 

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