Do Havanese Have an Underbite?

Do Havanese Have an Underbite? Underbites can be a divisive topic when it comes to our pets. Some people think …

Do Havanese Have an Underbite?

Underbites can be a divisive topic when it comes to our pets. Some people think they’re “so ugly that they’re cute”, while other people do not like them.

Typically, an underbite is harmless, but severe underbites can cause issues– or be clues to underlying issues– in some pets.

On the other hand, there are plenty of dog breeds that are prone to underbites, which typically do not bother them!

Some of these breeds include pugs, cavaliers, Boxers, and sometimes, the Havanese– though with this breed it is less common. Read on to learn more about the Havanese breed and the effects of an underbite.

What Is an Underbite?

First things first– what is an underbite, anyway? It is also referred to as canine malocclusion.  This is when a dog’s bottom jaw sticks out more, and the bottom teeth protrude further than the dog’s upper jaw.

If the dog’s mouth is at rest and the bottom teeth do poke out from between the lips, then your dog has an underbite.

There are different levels of severity for an underbite as well. Some dogs may have a severe underbite, while other dogs might have one that is more subtle. Certain breeds, such as Boxers or Shih Tzus, are much more prone to having an underbite.

Is an Underbite Unhealthy?

You may wonder if your dog is uncomfortable, or if its underbite is bad for it. Generally, an underbite is harmless and will not bother your dog– especially if your dog is a breed that is already prone to underbites. If they are able to chew their food and move their jaw comfortably, then you have no cause for concern! However, a dog can also develop an underbite due to physical trauma. There are also two common types of underbites, which we will detail briefly below.

Dental Malocclusion

Dental malocclusion is an underbite that occurs– as the name suggests– due to the dog’s teeth themselves. This is when the dog’s teeth are jagged or lay at a crooked angle. 

Skeletal Malocclusion

Skeletal malocclusion, on the other hand, is typically seen in short-muzzled dog breeds. This is more of a genetic underbite, as there are certain breeds that commonly develop an underbite. It occurs when the dog’s lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw, occurring due to a skull abnormality. This causes the upper and lower jaw to not line up properly. 

Can an Underbite Be Fixed?

Generally, an underbite does not need treatment. If it is causing risk to the dog, though, like underlying dental issues, then your vet may recommend a few different ways to treat this. This could be done by removing some of the teeth, oral surgery, or an orthodontic appliance. All of these treatments are costly and also stressful for your pet, so will not be recommended by your vet unless they are completely necessary. 

Do Havanese Have an Underbite?

When it comes to the Havanese, the breed can develop an underbite, but it is also not one of the breeds that usually has them– like a pug. Some breeds are actually bred for these traits, but the Havanese is not one of these breeds. If your Havanese does have an underbite, this is not as common as with other breeds– so it also should not be something you expect of the Havanese breed. Of course, any dog has the potential to develop an underbite, though, so it could still happen! If it does, you will be able to tell once the puppy is 10 months old whether the underbite will remain as they develop into an adult dog. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What breed of dog has an underbite?

Dogs that have short muzzles are usually the breeds that have underbites. However, if a mixed breed dog has a parent from one of these types of dogs, the mixed dog may also develop an underbite– even if they are not purebred from a type of dog that has an underbite. Some examples of dogs with underbites are Shih Tzus, pugs, terriers, Boxers, or cavaliers. 

Will a puppy grow out of underbite?

If your puppy has an underbite, it can be cute and endearing– but it may also be something that you wonder about. Will it last forever, even after your puppy has grown? Sometimes, a dog can grow out of an underbite as it gets older. This is because, as they develop into adult dogs, the face and jaw begin to fully form.

This can change the shape of their face, as well as how they hold their mouth– and can therefore affect their underbite. A dog’s facial alignment is generally determined by around 10 months old.

How do you tell if a puppy will have an underbite?

It is not always easy to tell if your puppy will end up having a permanent underbite. After all, as they develop into adult dogs, their faces and jaws can shift and change. By 10 months, though, a dog’s facial alignment is typically determined.

The biggest clue to an underbite in a dog is a protruding lower jaw– which is also referred to as salmon jaw.

Misaligned teeth can also contribute to an underbite in your dog. If they stick out while the mouth is resting, this can be a cause of an underbite, too.

Is it normal for my dog to have an underbite?

Generally, an underbite is not harmful to your dog, and is not cause for concern. For certain dog breeds, an underbite is very common– these include Boxers, pugs, and Shih Tzus (Havashit Mix).

That being said, a severe underbite can also be a sign of some underlying health problems. If your dog is not a breed that commonly has an underbite, or you are concerned due to the severity of the underbite in your dog, you can speak to your vet to discern whether your dog does have any health issues to be addressed. Severe underbites may also cause your pet to have trouble eating.

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