Can Dogs Eat Clementines

Can Dogs Eat Clementines? Clementines are a sweet, juicy treat for humans, and have the benefit of being healthy as …

Can Dogs Eat Clementines?

Clementines are a sweet, juicy treat for humans, and have the benefit of being healthy as well! When you have a pet, you often want to share your food and treats with them– after all, we all want to spoil our pets. So, can you share clementines with your pup?

Can Dogs Eat Clementines?

Yes, your dog can eat clementines, However, overfeeding your dog clementines can lead to digestive issues, so exercise restraint. Clementines should be fed to your dog in moderation and considered a special treat.

Also Read – Can Dogs Eat Chorizo?

What Are Clementines?

Clementines are a small type of mandarin orange. They are a hybrid fruit— a cross between a mandarin and sweet orange, similar to other mandarins such as tangerines. Clementines have a smooth, glossy exterior and can be separated into 7-14 segments once unpeeled. The Clementine is named for the person who discovered them in the 19th century. 


Feeding Your Dog Clementines

When feeding your dog clementines, moderation is best. Be sure to fully peel the fruit and also remove the pith– which is the white stringy layer between the peel and the skin– to be on the safe side. Additionally, remove the seeds of the fruit. Clementines can be administered as wedges or smaller pieces. They can be given to your pet raw or frozen for a cool, sweet treat.

You should only give your dog a wedge or two, and watch for any possible reactions or side effects. Due to a dog’s size, acceptable portions of clementines may vary. Small dogs, for example, should not eat more than one third of an orange or a clementine, while large breeds could eat up to a whole clementine if portioned out into smaller servings.

Benefits of Clementines for Dogs

Feeding your dog clementines has some health benefits, similar to the health benefits when humans are eating clementines. Clementines are high in fiber and vitamin C, as well as being a healthy snack for people and pups alike!

Source of Fiber

Citrus fruits such as oranges and clementines are great sources of fiber. This will keep your dog’s stomach feeling full at the same time as it improves their digestive health. Fiber also prevents dogs from absorbing natural sugars too quickly. Fiber is often overlooked in a dog’s food and diet, but is surprisingly beneficial for them. The extra kick of fiber from a clementine will help to aid your dog’s digestive system.

Source of Vitamin C

Dogs do not need the same amount of vitamin C that humans do, but it is still important for them. Dogs actually produce vitamin C on their own, in their livers, so do not typically need it in their food– however, an additional source of vitamin C such as a clementine snack does not hurt, either! Pets with certain diseases, like liver diseases,  are unable to produce enough vitamin C. Those pets could additionally benefit from the vitamin C found in clementines and other citrus fruits.

Healthy Alternative for Overweight Pets

Dog treats from the pet store can often be fattening. If you have a pet at home who is struggling with weight, clementines could be a better option when you are giving your pet treats. If the clementine is given in a small portion, this is a sweet snack that does not add a lot of sugars or fats to your pet’s diet. 

Cons of Clementines for Dogs

Overfeeding a dog any sort of food can lead to health issues, but when it comes to clementines, eating too many of them can lead to, or trigger, issues such as digestion and diabetes. 


As fruits such as clementines and oranges are very rich in fiber, this can lead to gastro issues. In moderation, a bit of fiber is good for your pet. Too much fiber, though, can be harmful to your dog’s stomach. Too much fiber can lead to digestive and gastrointestinal issues. For dogs with sensitive stomachs, as well as those who have previously experienced digestive issues, you should exercise caution and start with very small amounts of clementine to ensure this does not happen to your pet.


Clementines contain natural sugars. If your dog is healthy, the addition of these natural sugars into their diet isn’t a big deal. However, for dogs that suffer from diabetes, even a small amount of sugar could have an adverse effect. It may be wise to avoid feeding your diabetic dog treats such as clementines or oranges in order to avoid a possible reaction or imbalance of blood sugar. Clementines are also sweeter than oranges, so come with a higher risk than some other sweet citrus fruits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many clementines can a dog eat?

Like most of the special treats you give your pet, clementines should be consumed in moderation. A few wedges of the clementine is enough for a healthy treat, as overdoing oit can lead to digestive problems.

Can dogs have oranges or tangerines?

Yes, dogs can have oranges or tangerines. Make sure to peel and deseed the fruit properly.

Can dogs have citrus?

The flesh of certain citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, lemons, or limes, are okay for dogs to eat. However, due to their acidity, dogs may not like them. The peels and seeds of the citrus fruits are also linked to gastrointestinal issues.

Can dogs have clementine peels?

No. The peels of the fruit are not harmful because they are toxic to dogs, but they are tough to digest and can bother your pet’s stomach.

Can dogs have orange juice?

Orange juice is not a good idea for pets. It is too concentrated to be healthy for dogs, and since it is juice, does not have the fiber that makes oranges and clementines a good snack.

What fruits are bad for dogs?

Grapes and raisins are some of the top fruits that are dangerous for dogs, as they can cause kidney damage and kidney failure. If your dog ingests these, get it to the vet.