Can Dogs Eat Chorizo

Can Dogs Eat Chorizo? If we are munching on something, we are often tempted to share it with our dog, …

Can Dogs Eat Chorizo?

If we are munching on something, we are often tempted to share it with our dog, too. We bond through shattered experiences, so sharing food is no different! If you are eating chorizo or other breakfast sausages, you probably think it is fine to share with your dog. After all, dogs eat meat, right? 

However, chorizo is not something that you should be feeding your dog. You would think that it is safe, as it is meat, but there is more to it than that! This particular meat is high in fat and salt, and can also be produced with flavourings that could be toxic to your dog. 

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What Is Chorizo?

To understand why your dog cannot eat chorizo, you should first understand what chorizo is. Chorizo is a pork sausage product, which originally hails from the Iberian peninsula. It is highly seasoned and often cured or fermented. In many dishes, chorizo is used as an ingredient to add extra flavor. Sometimes it is also eaten on its own, as is.


Can Dogs Eat Chorizo?

Dogs should not be given chorizo, as it uses lots of unhealthy ingredients and also does not add much nutritional value to your dog’s diet. The value that it does add– through protein, for instance– is overshadowed by the high amounts of salt and fat in the sausage. Chorizo may also contain ingredients that can be toxic to your pet or may be processed with these ingredients. Another risk that chorizo can pose is a parasitic infection that can come about when consuming raw chorizo. If you want to feed your dog some meat for extra protein or iron, choose lean cuts of beef or chicken instead of chorizo or other sausages. 

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Risks of Feeding Your Dog Chorizo

As we discussed above, there are several risks that you may run into if your dog eats chorizo– whether you fed it to your pet intentionally or not! These range from immediate issues like diarrhea to more long-term and serious issues, like bacterial or parasitic infections. Take a look at the below to learn more. 


Some of the ingredients that are used to flavor chorizo can cause toxicosis in your pet. Some examples of these include onions and garlic powder. Sometimes, you may not even know that these ingredients are in the chorizo, but the chorizo has still been processed with them– which can be enough to trigger toxicosis.

Toxicosis is no laughing matter, either. It can be dangerous, and even deadly, if not caught in time! Toxicosis may show itself in the form of seizures, tremors, fatigue, or nausea. 


Trichinosis is not a word that we hear often, but it refers to a parasitic infection. Your dog can catch this infection if it eats undercooked or raw chorizo, as well as any chorizo that is otherwise contaminated.

The name of the parasite that causes this is called Trichinella. Some of the symptoms of Trichinosis that you may notice in your pet are fevers, aches, swelling, itchy skin, and diarrhea or constipation. Luckily, Trichinosis is not a severe or deadly occurrence, but certain symptoms can linger for years in some cases– even if treated. 

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues are a common risk of feeding your dog something meant for humans or is not part of your pet’s regular diet. That being said, this is not a reason for you to be unconcerned about feeding your dog chorizo. Digestive issues are still uncomfortable for your pet and should be avoided if at all possible.

After all, why would you want to cause your dog discomfort if this can be avoided? The large amounts of fats and salt in chorizo are to blame for digestive issues, as are the heavy amounts of seasonings used. Some examples of these digestive issues are gas, constipation, or diarrhea. 


Nausea and vomiting are other common symptoms of feeding your pet something that is not part of its diet, and is something that you may encounter after feeding your dog chorizo. Due to the seasonings and amount of fats and salt, your dog’s body may not react well, making it feel nauseous. The body may also induce vomiting to try and remove the offending food from its stomach. 

What If My Dog Eats Chorizo?

If your dog eats a little bit of chorizo, it will probably be all right. BE sure to monitor it and contact your vet if any symptoms begin to arise. If your dog has eaten a large amount of chorizo, you should contact your vet immediately and follow their advice– they may want to examine your dog or induce vomiting to get the chorizo out of its system before worse happens. 

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Frequently Asked QuestionsChorizo

Can dogs eat chorizo con huevo?

Chorizo con huevos is not a safe snack for your pet, though you may think it is, as it is a good source of protein. Chorizo is high in salt and fat, and it can also be processed with flavorings or ingredients that can be harmful or even toxic to your dog. 

Do dogs like chorizo?

Whether or not your pet will like chorizo depends on its own tastes– some dogs will like chorizo, and some will. Typically, though, dogs will enjoy chorizo. However, chorizo is not a safe snack to share with your dog, so you should keep it to yourself– no matter how cute your dog’s puppy eyes are!

Is chorizo healthy to eat?

While chorizo is meat and is a good source of protein, it is high in sodium, fats, and calories. Interestingly enough, it is also low carb and fits into the Keto diet. Chorizo is not healthy for pets, either. 

What sausage can dogs eat?

Sausages are not good treats for your pet, whether they are liver sausage, salami, or any of the other sausage options. This is because they are high in salt and fat, which can contribute to health issues in dogs and even cause immediate digestive issues.