Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Yes, dogs can eat arugula, and in fact, arugula is one of the healthier treats that you can give your dog– arugula is much healthier than processed foods or other snacks.

Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Crunchy foods always seem to get our dogs’ attention when we are eating our own meals. Greens are one such example. So, you may be wondering if greens like arugula are as healthy for your pet as they are for you.

Can dogs eat arugula?

Yes, dogs can eat arugula, and in fact, arugula is one of the healthier treats that you can give your dog– arugula is much healthier than processed foods or other snacks. 

What Is Arugula?

First things first, what is arugula, anyway? Arugula is a green that is often incorporated into salads or sandwiches. Unlike some other greens, such as cabbage or lettuce, which are known for their fresh flavor, arugula has a taste that is more unique. Arugula has a sharp, peppery, and bitter flavor. It can be eaten fresh or can be cooked– for example, sauteed in butter as aside. 

Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Now comes the important question– can your pet enjoy arugula with you? Yes, your dog can eat arugula, and this particular green is loaded with health benefits. However, it is important for you to ensure that you are not overdoing it. While dogs are omnivores, their diet should still mainly consist of meat and proteins.

Be sure to keep your dog’s arugula or vegetable intake to 10% or less of their daily diet. Otherwise, you may find that your pet is having health issues due to too much arugula. 

Can Dogs Eat arugula

Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Arugula

Arugula and other leafy greens are chock full of vitamins and nutrients, which means that there are lots of health benefits to be gained if you feed your dog arugula. Take a look at some of these nutrients below, and learn more about how they can benefit your pooch.

Strong Immune System

Arugula is packed with nutrients that can aid in keeping your pet’s immune system strong and healthy. Some of these are vitamins, like vitamins B, C, and K. Greens are also high in chlorophyll, which can bind toxins and metals to remove them from the body.

Arugula also contains phytochemicals.

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that are produced by plants to help them resist bacteria and fungi. These phytochemicals can slow the progression of cancers like colon or esophageal cancer in your pet. 

Strong Bones

Your dog cannot process dairy properly, so you will have to find another way to promote healthy bones and teeth, besides drinking milk. Luckily, arugula is a great solution for this! Arugula is high in vitamin K and calcium, both of which contribute to strong, healthy bones.

This green will also help your dog’s body absorb calcium with more efficiency. All of this helps to reduce the risk of broken bones or such injuries, as well as osteoporosis in the future. 

Prevents Diabetes

Another nutrient that you can find in arugula is alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant which can help to lower glucose levels in the body. It also increases insulin sensitivity. Both of these benefits will then help to prevent the development of diabetes in your pet.

Since arugula is not high in sugar and is a low-calorie treat, this makes it a good snack for dogs who are already diabetic or are struggling with weight gain.

Aids Digestive Health

Arugula is very high in fiber, which can be great for your dog’s gut health. Fiber can assist in regulating digestive health, as well as in regulating bowel movements. However, this can also be detrimental to your dog’s digestive system because too much can cause gastrointestinal distress and can create gas in the stomach or intestines. It is for this reason that you should be sure not to overfeed your dog greens, either. 

When Feeding Your Dog Arugula

If you have decided to feed your dog arugula, you should be aware that your dog might not take to it- it has a very distinct flavor, and not all of our pets will enjoy it. If, however, your dog does enjoy arugula, great! You should avoid feeding it to your dog when cooked in sauces or drizzled with salad dressing, as these additional ingredients could cause a reaction. Raw and fresh is best here! You can either feed arugula to your pet on its own, or you can add it into your pet’s food at mealtime.

In addition, look at the amount of arugula you are giving to your pet. As we mentioned before, you will want to keep this to 10% or less of their daily diet. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much arugula can a dog eat?

When it comes to vegetables like arugula, these are healthy for dogs but should not become the main component of their diet. Vegetables should only be 10% or less of your pet’s diet– dogs are actually omnivores, but they still do need to eat meat and proteins.

Is spinach and arugula good for dogs?

Dogs can eat greens such as spinach and arugula. Arugula is low in both calories and fat, so it is a healthy treat for your pet. It also has health benefits such as better digestion and a stronger immune system. 

What leafy greens can dogs eat?

Leafy greens are a great choice of a snack for your dog, because they are high in nutrients and chlorophyll. Some of these nutrients include calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and K. They are also high in fiber. Dogs can eat greens such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, chard, arugula, and kale. 

What vegetables are toxic to dogs?

Some of the vegetables that are toxic to dogs and should be avoided are onions, chives, and leeks. They are part of a family of plants known as Allium, and can cause toxicosis in your dog– if left untreated, toxicosis can be deadly. Onion toxicosis causes a breakdown of the red blood cells and then causes anemia. The N-propyl disulfide in the onions also causes oxidative damage to your dog’s red blood cells by attaching to them.