Wondering About Your Dog and Papaya?

Dogs can eat papaya. It’s healthy and adds a boost of plant-based nutrients to your pup’s diet. It has a low sugar content, antioxidant properties, and can support digestive health with other nutrients that your dog food may not have.

Wondering About Your Dog and Papaya?

Can dogs eat papaya? Yes, dogs can eat Papaya!

Papaya is extremely rich in fibre, calcium, potassium, and folate. It’s a delicious exotic snack and packed full of healthy vitamins like A, C, E, and K. But can dogs eat papaya? Is papaya a healthy snack for a dog?

Dogs in the wild are carnivores, meaning they would never naturally eat papaya. But because of all the great health benefits that papaya has, it’s not a bad thing to let a dog eat some. Papaya has healthy enzymes known for improving digestive health. It’s even been known to help heart health and to improve the immune system.

Dogs can eat papaya. It’s healthy and adds a boost of plant-based nutrients to your pup’s diet. It has a low sugar content, antioxidant properties, and can support digestive health with other nutrients that your dog food may not have.

Papaya is also a great choice for an exotic treat because it’s lower in sugar than blueberries, cherries, and even apples. If your dog has some weight problems, papaya is a safe snack. This is also true if your dog is diabetic.

However, always remember to consult your veterinarian before ever introducing a new food into your dog’s diet, even something as safe and seemingly innocent as papaya.

How Much Papaya Can a Dog Eat?

Papaya should be fed to dogs in a specific way. Never feed the skin to your dog because it’s too hard to digest and could cause digestive blockage. The skin is also rich in fibre, and because the papaya flesh is also rich in fibre, it would be a fibre overload, probably giving your dog a stomachache and diarrhea.

Papaya seeds also need to be avoided. They can block your dog’s digestive system and result in sickness. Be sure to take all the seeds out before feeding your dog papaya. 

When it comes to how many papayas a dog can eat, start small. Be sure to cut the papaya into small pieces. Also, make sure it’s fresh. Fresh papaya is safer and more delicious. You never know if a dog is allergic to something, so it’s important that you monitor your pet after feeding them just a few small pieces. If they don’t have a reaction, you can feed them more next time.

Don’t make a habit of feeding your dog papaya and other exotic fruits. This should only be a treat given every now and again, and only in moderation. You also need to take the dog’s weight into consideration. Bigger dogs can eat more fruit than smaller dogs.

To make sure your dog doesn’t choke on the papaya, watch them eat it. Don’t give your dog a bunch of papayas and walk away. The papaya should be sliced into small enough pieces that it can be swallowed easily.

Dogs can eat papaya. It’s healthy and adds a boost of plant-based nutrients to your pup’s diet. It has a low sugar content, antioxidant properties, and can support digestive health with other nutrients that your dog food may not have.

Is Papaya Good for Constipation in Dogs?

Because papaya is so high in fibre, it can be beneficial to dogs that are constipated. It has the same effect in humans, quickly clearing out the digestive tract. It’s like natural Pepto-Bismol. Also, papaya has special enzymes known as papain, and these are beneficial to digestion.

Papaya is not a cure for dog constipation, but if your pet has been having issues going to the toilet, papaya, pumpkin, and rice & chicken can work as natural remedies. If the constipation is serious, always go to the vet before you start feeding your dog fruit.

Is Papaya Healthy for Dogs?

As we already said, papaya is a healthy snack and a handy natural remedy for constipation. But it has other health benefits too. For example, vitamin C helps prevent chronic diseases.

But there are some negatives to feeding dog papaya. It’s the same for all fresh fruit. Too much papaya can cause excess weight gain and stomach issues. Dogs get their proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in their dog food every day, so anything else you give them is extra and not necessary.

This means even a small helping of papaya each day will have negative consequences in the long run. Save papaya for a rare, fun treat, and don’t let your dog overindulge.

Gateway Havanese - Can dogs eat papaya (2)

What Exotic Fruits Can a Dog Eat?

There are five great exotic fruits that your dog can eat, including papaya. Mangoes are delicious for dogs. They can eat mango skin and meat, just not the mango seeds. Always be sure to peel the mangoes thoroughly before giving them to your dog. 

Dogs also love apricots, which can safely be eaten by canines. However, like all other fruit, the seeds must be removed first. Apricots can also only be fed in moderation, as too many apricots can leave your dog feeling sick. Too many apricots can also poison your dog, so moderation is important.

Cantaloupes are delicious and super healthy. Cantaloupe is packed with nutrients. A few slices can be a healthy treat for your pet dog. It’s also easily digestible, so older dogs are free to have cantaloup as a snack. Some experts even claim cantaloup can improve a dog’s vision. 

Boysenberries are a lesser-known exotic fruit that dogs love to eat. The seeds in this case are not poisonous and don’t cause any digestive issues. The only problem is that too many berries can cause diarrhea, though this is the same for any kind of berry. 

Jackfruit is another type of lesser-known fruit that is ok for dogs. Like all things that you give your dog it needs to be done in moderation.

What Fruits Are Bad for Dogs?

Some exotic fruits are okay for dogs, some are not. For example, grapes and raisins should be avoided at all costs! They are notorious for getting stuck in the digestive tract. They can also choke your dog.

Avocados are terrible too. They can cause sickness, diarrhea, and even breathing problems. Then there is garlic and onion, which are both very poisonous and can easily destroy your dog’s blood cells and cause permanent damage and in serious cases, even death. In fact, anything that contains garlic or onion should be avoided, including bread, pizza, etc. 

Finally, keep broccoli away from dogs, as it has a tendency to irritate the canine stomach to a point where your dog could require an emergency vet visit. 

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