Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked scallops, but shouldn’t have raw scallops. When they are raw, scallops can actually be very dangerous to your pet. They can carry many different parasites and bacteria that can make your dog seriously sick. A few examples of these are salmonella and tapeworms.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Scallops are a tasty treat that often brings to mind summer evenings or expensive restaurants with white tablecloths. Since you enjoy them so much, perhaps you want to be able to share them with your dog, too! If the scallops are raw, you should not be feeding them to your dog at any cost– but if they are cooked scallops, there are some occasions where you can feed them to your dog instead of keeping them all to yourself.

Can dogs eat scallops?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked scallops, but shouldn’t have raw scallops. When they are raw, scallops can actually be very dangerous to your pet. They can carry many different parasites and bacteria that can make your dog seriously sick. A few examples of these are salmonella and tapeworms.

Even though dogs can eat cooked scallops they are not typically something that you should add to your dogs regular diet.

What Are Scallops?

Scallops are not one species, but the term in fact encompasses many marine bivalve mollusks. They can be found in every one of our oceans, typically along the seafloor but sometimes attached to seaweed or rocks. Many cultures eat scallops, and it is the meaty abductor muscle that is being cooked and consumed– or not cooked at all, because many scallop recipes keep them raw!

Scallop shells have a special place in mythology, and they have permeated the beliefs and myths of many cultures. For example, the pre-Christian Celts used scallop shells as a symbol to refer to the setting sun, and later on, many Christian saints were associated with the scallop shell, too. In several cultures, such as the Romans, the scallop shell has also been viewed as a symbol of fertility and femininity. 

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Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Generally, scallops are not the best treat to be feeding your dog. When they are raw, scallops can actually be very dangerous to your pet. They can carry many different parasites and bacteria that can make your dog seriously sick. A few examples of these are salmonella and tapeworms. Shellfish are also bottomfeeders, so they can contain very high levels of metals such as mercury, which can be dangerous for your dog’s health, too. 

On the other hand, cooked scallops can be a nutritious treat for your pet, if only given in moderation. In this case, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! If you are giving your dog cooked scallops, you should be sure that these are plain, as the oils, butter, or other flavorings and ways of dressing up the shellfish can lead to digestive issues. 

Benefits of Cooked Scallops

Now, if you are able to cook and prepare your scallops properly, they can be good for your pet and do have some potential health benefits. Firstly, scallops are high in protein, and they are also leaner than red meat. They can be a great source of protein for your dog, especially if you are trying to also get your dog to lose weight or get healthier. 

Some of the key nutrients in scallops can also be good for your dog. These nutrients include magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Each nutrient has its own unique set of characteristics. Magnesium, for instance, supports strong bones and a healthy immune system in your pet, while phosphorus is a crucial nutrient for forming bones and teeth. Potassium can help to prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.

If you do decide to feed your dog scallops, you should of course be sure first that your pet does not have any shellfish allergies. Then, you will need to fully cook the scallops– as raw shellfish can be dangerous for dogs– and abstain from seasoning the food, as tempted as you may be. Even just adding a little butter or salt could affect your dog’s stomach. 

Can Dogs Eat scallops

Risks of Scallops

Of course, as mentioned above, there are some significant risks to feeding your dog scallops, too. Most of these risks are present when the scallops are raw, so proper cooking heat and time is important to be sure that the food is cooked all the way through. One of the most common issues that your pet might face is digestive upset, which can occur if you have given your pet cooked scallops that were prepared and seasoned for human consumption. This can also occur after eating raw scallops, as some of the bacteria that can be in scallops may show themselves in the form of digestive issues or stomach trouble.

The bacterias and parasites that may be found in scallops are another big risk for your pet. This is because scallops and other bivalves filter water through their bodies, so whatever is in the water is passing through their bodies as well. If your scallops come from a dirty or polluted area, you are even more so at risk for food poisoning– and therefore, so is your dog. Toxins in the water, bacteria, and parasites can all cause shellfish poisoning or issues like salmonella, tapeworms, and listeria, to name a few. 

Gateway Havanese - Can Dogs Scallops

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my dog eats scallops?

If your dog eats scallops, your reaction will depend on whether or not the scallops were raw. Cooked scallops can be a great source of protein and other nutrients and minerals. However, raw scallops can be dangerous to your dog because they can carry harmful bacteria or parasites like salmonella.

What seafood can dogs not eat?

Most raw seafood is unsafe for your dog because it could contain bacteria and parasites, as well as toxins like mercury. Shellfish are particularly risky because they are bottom feeders and can contain high levels of metals. They are also common perpetrators of food poisoning.

Are raw scallops safe for dogs?

Raw scallops are risky for dogs and should be avoided. They could make your dog sick, and could also contain bacteria or parasites that may cause lasting, long-term issues. Cooked scallops, however, are usually okay to share with your dog in moderation. 

Can dogs eat fried scallops and shrimp?

While fried scallops and fried fish are not toxic to dogs, dogs should still not be eating either of these. Dogs should not eat fried food, as this introduces a lot of fat and salt into your pet’s diet. Fried foods can also cause gastrointestinal distress and issues like diarrhea and loose stool. 

Can My Dog Eat Scallop Sashimi?

Ahh sushi – it is the best. But what about for Fido? Some types of sushi and sushi rice are ok for the dog, but raw scallops are probably not the best. They can contain harmful bacteria and other things that can be toxic to the dog. If you dog eats one, it’s probably not the end of the world, but you don’t want to make it a regular thing.  

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