Can Dogs Eat Cheese Rinds?

Yes, dogs can eat cheese rinds, as long as it is in moderation. It gets a bit trickier when it is the hard rind that you want to share with your pet– in some cases, your dog can eat them, and in other cases, it is best to abstain.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese Rinds?

Many dogs love cheese, and cheese-flavoured dog treats are one of the more popular flavours. So, when you are preparing that charcuterie board or cooking up something delicious and cheesy in the kitchen, you may be asking, “Can dogs eat cheese rinds?

Yes, dogs can eat cheese rinds, as long as it is in moderation. It gets a bit trickier when it is the hard rind that you want to share with your pet– in some cases, your dog can eat them, and in other cases, it is best to abstain.

Read on to learn more. 

What Are Cheese Rinds?

Cheese rinds are the outsides of the cheese, which harden as the cheese ripens. Some cheese rinds are hard and covered in wax or parchment, while others have an edible mold, like Blue cheese. These are natural and typically are edible, but in certain cases, they should not be eaten, as they cannot be digested.


Can Dogs Eat Cheese Rinds?

Dogs can eat cheese rinds, as well as the cheese itself. This is great news, because cheese is the perfect training treat, and a pill can be easily hidden inside a piece of cheese if you need to give your dog medicine.

Cheese is full of nutrients, too, that can benefit your dog. Some of the great nutrients in cheese include calcium, vitamin A, essential fatty acids, and protein. Your dog gets most of its protein from its existing food, but these can be considered an addition or a supplement to your dog’s daily diet. 

Of course, you should only feed your dog cheese or cheese rinds as a special treat– too much “human food” can make your furry friend sick! 

Risks of Feeding Your Dog Cheese Rinds

There are several risks to feeding your dog cheese rinds, so you should be sure to do some research before simply tossing your dog the rind of the cheese you are cutting up!

Some of these may not be a concern unless you are feeding your dog very large amounts of cheese rinds, but they may also have an effect on smaller dogs or dogs that have weak stomachs. Take a look at some of the risks outlined below. 


In general, cheese is a food that is very high in salt, so it is only natural that salt levels should be a concern for the rinds as well. Too much salt in a dog’s diet can cause dehydration, or it can cause your dog to drink too much water and vomit it back up.

Drinking too much water can also lead to accidents in the house or needing to take more frequent trips outside to the bathroom!

Even more serious is the potential for salt poisoning, which can cause your dog’s muscles to lose water and become stiff– symptoms include shaking, jerking, and even seizures, in severe cases. 


Dairy is another big factor that could be a cause for concern, especially if your dog has a sensitive stomach.

Our dogs are not able to process dairy in the way that we do, so too much dairy can lead to gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, or diarrhea. In less severe cases, it could also lead to loose stools.

It is important to note that if your dog is suffering from diarrhea, this could also trigger dehydration, as they are losing a lot of moisture and fluids. 


In addition, you should ensure that the cheese rind that you are feeding your dog does not have wax on it. The wax cheese rinds are considered inedible to humans and should be considered inedible for dogs as well.

It is typically easy to tell when the cheese rind has a wax coating, as you can tell by touch and it is also usually discernable by its bright red color.

The wax is not something that your dog will be able to digest, so if you want to share some of this cheese with your pet, be sure that you remove the rind.


Certain cheeses, like Blue cheese, are unique because they actually grow an edible mold as the cheese ages.

Moldy cheeses should be avoided because cheeses with mold on them can end up being toxic to your dog. This could cause issues such as lethargy and a lack of energy.

Mold poisoning is very serious, so if your dog has taken any of this cheese off your plate, for instance, you should contact your vet at once.

When Feeding Your Dog Cheese Rinds

When you are feeding your dog cheese rinds, you should be sure to do so in moderation to avoid some of the issues that were mentioned above.

You should also either remove the wax from the rind or choose not to feed this particular rind to your pet, as the wax is not something its stomach will be able to process. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Parmesan rind OK for dogs?

Parmesan cheese is not one of the best cheese options to feed your dog, and that includes its rind. That is because Parmesan cheese, in particular, has a very high salt contact which can be harmful to your pet.

Is Brie rind toxic for dogs?

The rind of Brie cheese is not necessarily toxic, but it can be bad for your pet if the cheese includes other toxic ingredients like garlic or onions. Also, if the rind of the cheese is covered in wax, this is not something you should feed to your dog. 

Is it OK for dogs to eat cheese?

Dogs can eat a small amount of cheese, which is good because they love it! However, the dairy in cheese may cause an upset stomach in your dog, and the high-fat level can lead to weight gain or even obesity. 

Can dogs eat the outside of Camembert?

Yes, dogs can eat a little bit of Camembert, but it is important to only give your dog cheese in moderation in order to avoid any potential issues.